Negosentro | Dep. Speaker Raymond Mendoza re-elected as National President of Veterans Sons & Daughters Association | Deputy Speaker and TUCP Partylist Representative Raymond Democrito Mendoza as its National President is re-elected as the National President of the Veterans Federation of the Philippines Sons and Daughters Association, Inc. (VFP-SDAI) in its recently held elections and National Assembly in Cebu. Also re-elected as National Executive Vice-President is Veterans Bank’s FVP Miguel Angelo C. Villa-Real. Mendoza is the son of renowned Labor Leader and WWII veteran Democrito T. Mendoza, while Villa-Real is the grandson of WWII veteran and former Congressman & Deped USec Andres C. Clemente Jr.
With a fresh two-year term, Mendoza vowed to continue VFP-SDAI’s advocacy to defend the rights and interests of Filipino Veterans, including their widows and orphans. VFP-SDAI continues to instill patriotism and love of country among its members and the public through its various Districts and Posts across the country.
“Our immediate aim right now is to help strengthen the relations between various veterans groups around the nation, both government and private. With a unified stand, can we strongly push for reforms and programs that would benefit the veterans and their families,” said National President Mendoza.
Founded in 1988, the VFP-SDAI is a non-stock, non-profit, non-sectarian corporation and is an auxiliary unit of the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP). It is the National Association of direct descendants of Filipino Veterans from across all regions of the country.